It was a quiet day after the chaos that was yesterday. The kids - luckily - slept in after being up until 10 last night...oh mistake... that's right, they both got up at 6:53!!! There is no rest for the weary - and by that I mean Mommy.
Shel had sent us home with donuts yesterday, so that was a treat this morning. Although I let them eat at the kids table in the playroom - big mistake - which meant Dalton got up after every bite and spread sticky blue icing from his sticky blue hands all over EVERYTHING...
Then we hit the craft store - which is apparently their new favorite place in the world. Full of grapes apparently, because they kept pointing them out everywhere. The first ones were actually fake grapes, but then they were beads, dimpled bowls, whatever with bumps - didn't matter. They actually really didn't want to leave. I think I've found a new rainy day field trip. Could get expensive - but totally worth it.
That afternoon we went swimming at Nana and Pa's. Dalton is just fearless. He is obsessed with jumping in.
Bedtime with Pa
When it came time for bed, Dalton made it clear that he wanted to sleep in the regular bed. I lay in it
with him for about an hour thinking he might be able to do it. He was
soooo close, but in the end I ended up having to put him back in the
crib. He's almost ready though, and he wants it so badly.
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