Then it was off to the Children's Museum. I was a little afraid that we had made a mistake in coming when she spent the first hour clinging to my neck. But after a rousing (and giant) game of Memory she loosened up a bit. This one rocked the game. She has amazing recall. Next we went up to the Toddler Terrace where she put out cones to show me patterns - I don't think she's quite gotten the hang of this one yet...
There actually wasn't a lot that was appropriate for her age group, but her favorite activity by far was the water pipes. She would have spent hours there routing and re-routing water if I'd let her. Unfortunately it was the one activity out in the sun and Miss Lily-White Princess didn't have any sunscreen. Perhaps this one has the makings of an engineer after all...
After the museum we went back to Anabel and Dan's and met up with her babysitter for the night. I gotta hand it to her - babysitter she'd never met, staying in a strange house and she took it like a champ. Even told Mackenzie that she was ready to go to bed and that she should brush her teeth (who was that child??)
The next morning we left (an hour late) to drive back to Dallas. Again she was a travel rock star. We did make a stop to rescue Hubba who was out of Mommy's reach and to take out her pigtails as she was tired and it hurt to lay her head down on the pigtails. That led to an hour long tour around a garden store where she proceeded to pet and make the sound of every animal statue in the place (it was big). But she was in good spirits despite being tired and not actually taking a nap. Until of course, the last 15 minutes of the trip...
15 min from home... |
"It's a cashew rock" |
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