Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cuties in Bed

The up side of Dalton waking up screaming at 4:30am is that when Nana woke him up to get him dressed he was in my bed and psyched to roll around with Stella.  Cute boy. Stella may or may not have been amused.  Tough call.

The smiles and laughter below were achieved through the use of funny words. The favorite was of course "spaghetti", followed closely by "banana poopie".  It's surprisingly tough to find funny sounding words that they also understand.  It loses the effect if they don't know what it is. While spaghetti is hilarious, ravioli was nowhere near as funny, and zucchini elicited no response at all.

On the way to school Tuesday morning we saw a Jeep.
D:  How come that guy has a Jeep?
J:  Because he bought it with his money, just like Mommy bought her car with her money.
D:  Oh.
J:  Should Mommy have bought a Jeep with her money?
D:  Yeah.  But we can turn your car into a Jeep.
J:  Oh really? How are we going to do that?
D:  You take the puzzle pieces and put them together.  I will help.
J:  What will you do?
D:  Work really hard.  When the whole family is back together we will do it. You can leave the basket in though.

This evening's performance was an updated performance of the infamous "King Dance".  This was the Breakdance version (see video below).  Dalton has clearly embraced his role as her hype man.

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