Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Still Riding the Wave

"Please sir, could I have some more?"
Little Mommy serving.
We were curious to see how the kids would react to Daddy leaving again. They asked about it, but generally took it in stride. I guess that's an upside to Daddy being gone so much.

They seemed to be in good spirits Monday night. Dalton seemed pretty sure that Mommy could be talked in to letting him jump on the bed. Mommy could not.

Of course - this happy scene is not characteristic of the whole night - when they both got up in the middle of the night and wouldn't let me put them back to bed.  We had hours of "Mommy rock" both Monday night and last night.  While on the one hand I always love to rock my baby, after a while (and several unsuccessful attempts to put him back in bed without his screams waking Darby) you start to wonder if you will be spending the rest of your life in that chair.