Friday, July 25, 2014

Pancakes and Jeeps and Wands - Oh my!

Last night we had a boring old classic dinner - Mango, blueberry, chocolate chip, rainbow sprinkle pancakes.  Apparently they were ridiculously hot (no) because Dalton spent about 10 minutes blowing on them and having me blow on them.

After dinner we had a rousing game of jump off the trunk onto the couch with our magic wands.  Again - a classic. (see video)

Yesterday morning Darby reprised the Jeep conversation.  Interestingly enough she started it at the same point where we saw the Jeep Wednesday that started the whole thing.  The view on the corner must have triggered her.  I was able to get a bit more information about how the whole process of turning my car into a Jeep was done.  Basically we need to buy the puzzle pieces at the "Store of Cities" - and put them together one by one.  Seems easy enough.  What's nice is that it only costs $8.29.  And the first thing we have to do is put on the back "J-E-E-P". I was a little put out though, because apparently we're doing Daddy's car first.  He and I are both getting yellow Jeeps - just in case you were wondering.  And, of course, she reiterated again, that the basket of toys in the back seat could stay.

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