Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dalton Tidbit

Dalton tidbit:  He really alternates between 3 phrases right now.

The first being "I got it!" which relates to both him wanting to do things and  him picking everything he can find up off the floor or counter or table and handing it to me.

The second phrase is "Rain, rain, go away..." followed by a bit of gibberish and ending with "day".  He repeats this ad nauseum, regardless of the weather. But to his credit, he does ramp it up on cloudy days.

The third phrase is "big truck", which, shockingly in Texas, he sees everywhere.  This is closely associated with what we'll call Phrase 3b - "Jeep!" This is the most exciting phrase to utter, and he gets it right a respectable amount of time. Those Hummers and random boxy SUV's have a tendancy to throw him. Darby has appointed herself the Jeep spotter police. If she didn't see it, it wasn't a Jeep.

On the Darby front, she is currently obsessed with her bathroom.  She has told me numerous times over the past 4-5 days how beautiful it is.  I have no idea why.  I guess that's good though...

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