Sunday we went to the circus. They were all in for going, but were not at all interested in the show. We went to the end of the pre-show. Darby wanted to go in the bouce house, but just as we went over there they deflated it. When we asked her at the end, what her favorite part was - bounce house. She did realize that she hadn't gotten to go in it, but apparently almost going in was good enough for her. She also liked the animal acts. She kept wanting to go down and pet the puppies. She was quite insistant. Seemed reasonable. She was willing to only pet one and just for a minute...
Tim and I agreed we thought the Shriner circus we went to last year had more "Wow" moments. This one had a lot of singing, dancing, acrobats and clowns - none of which the kids were at all interested in. For his part, Dalton kept wanting to go "that way!" which meant he wanted to go walk down the hall of the arena. Not exactly gripping stuff. I think his favorite part was riding the escalator and eating a hot dog in the hallway. And the elephants.
Dalton has a new obsession with eating ice cubes. Darby wanted in, but when she put it in her mouth she spit it out because it was "too cold".
J: Well, cold is an inherent part of an ice cube, so I think you're out of luck buddy...
D: I want you to put it in the microwave so it feels better.
J: (snort) If I put the ice cube in the microwave, it will become water
D: I want that
J: Ok got it.
Dalton's new game was to dump himself off the raft.
(4 videos below)
He is also obsessed with wearing Mommy's Trinity hat. Which I totally love. However he usually seems to be wearing it with a shirt from a different school, which shows a bit of a mixed message.
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