Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dalton's Favorite (and not so Favorite) Things

I've been pondering what theme Dalton's birthday party should have (because as most of you know - I love a theme)and as a not quite 2 year old who watches very little TV, he doesn't really have any obvious thematic go-to's.

So then I started thinking about what if the theme was "Dalton's Favorite Things". What would that party look like? First off, it would obviously be a pool party. There would be a million balls of every kind lying around. There would also be tons of balloons, puppies, "Big Trucks" and Jeeps. The YouTube video of Elmo and Halle Berry teaching what a "nibble" is would be playing on a loop on the TV. "Rain, Rain Go Away" would be playing on the stereo. The menu would be pretty limited - P-Pouches (the squeezy fruit/veg baby food pouches), yogurt tubes, fruit snacks, cheese (mozz stick or American slices), ice cream and cupcakes. And juice.

It seems this party would have a limited audience. I may have to keep thinking...

I gave Darby a little lecture yesterday when she had me change her doll's diaper for the millionth time (her dolls & animals have massive gastroenterological issues - obviously a coping mechanism for her own issues). I told her that as the doll's mother she really needed to be able to change her own baby's diaper.  She protested, so I went ahead and changed it - she did the wiping though.  There is always a LOT of wiping. It must have sunk in though, because a little while later she came running in, proud as can be, showing me the doll with a diaper that she had just put on.

That's where the proud mothering ended though, because she proceeded at that point to throw the doll up in the air so it could land on its head on the tile floor.  We have some work to do.

Dalton, for all his cuteness and joy, has stinky feet. When I took off his shoes last night, the smell was so bad I decided to sprinkle some powder on them. I might have gotten a little carried away. Dalton might have not thought that was at all funny.

Once I got him calmed down though, he decided it was a cgood time to count. See video.

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