Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"My Jeep!!"

We played a rousing game of Jeep! on the way to school today.  Unfortunately, Darby considers Dalton to be horning in on her special game, so she attempts to shut him off at every opportunity.  Every time he has a siting she either claims it as joint ownership (if she's feeling generous), claims it as hers (if she's not), or claims it doesn't even exist (if she's feeling ornery).  Poor little guy.  He's pretty good at spotting them, but he rarely gets the glory.  Mommy tries to help, but her opinions are often summarily dismissed.

Darby told him today that he could have any orange ones, and all the rest are hers.  I don't believe we have ever even seen an orange one.  Kinda makes me want to buy him an orange Hot Wheels Jeep if they have them. I'm sure she would conveniently forget that comment if I did.

Mommy also got the shaft today.  If you recall, I was informed a couple of weeks ago that we would be turning both my and Tim's cars into yellow Jeeps.  I was informed today that Tim was still getting his yellow Jeep, but I will be getting a brown one.  My protests fell on deaf ears.

When we got to school, Darby was ready to play.  She and Dalton had a pretty solid game of catch. He definitely has some sporty skills, but looking at him today in his tiny little basketball shirt, I don't think he's destined to be big enough for that.  Ironic, given the size of his parents, but I think we need to find him a less height dependent sport.  He definitely likes balls and he likes to run - it may end up being soccer (much to Dad's chagrin).  It's fun to guess for sure. 

Clearly we need to get her into dance.

When we got to Darby's class, we set up to do our pep talk.  She has expanded it now, so I have to give a pep talk to Hubba too.  You know, no scratching at the side of her cubby, no biting the children as they come past, no whining about having to take a nap, no pooping in the cubby.  It was nice to see that she made sure to emphasize that last one when she actually put him in the cubby.  I guess there have been problems in the past - I don't know for sure.

The following is a video of our morning pep talk. She knew I was filming, so she went quite a bit off script to ham it up for the camera, but it is amusing nonetheless I think.

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