Dalton with his beloved Bailey-Boo. He calls her on the "phone" all the time telling her he's going to come see her. They are too cute.
I miss the days when Dalton was a good sleeper. It used to be we could walk into the room, dump him in the crib, walk out and after squawking for 2 minutes he would go to sleep. Now:
1. We have to read a story
2. He sits in the rocking chair, I sit on the ottoman and sing "The Wheels on the Bus"
3. I sit on the chair, he sits on my lap and I rock him.
4. Then Tim has to rock him
5. Then me rocking again and finally I put him in the crib
6. His latest is that I have to sit in the room until he falls asleep
7. Finally - just when you thought you were done - at 2-3am repeat steps #5 & #6.
Despite the lack of sleep he has also been getting up early. Please note the sweet looking bedhead.
Luckily he has learned early the boy method of solving the crazy hair problem. What used to be my Trinity hat has lately become a frequent fixture on his head. He also seems to have picked up on another boy behavior - having his head turned by a cute blond in a short skirt.
Luckily he has learned early the boy method of solving the crazy hair problem. What used to be my Trinity hat has lately become a frequent fixture on his head. He also seems to have picked up on another boy behavior - having his head turned by a cute blond in a short skirt.
Bailey-Boo - you shouldn't put up with that...
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