Friday, June 26, 2015

Daddy Goes on Summer Vacation

It's that time of year again. The pool is open, the mosquitos are buzzing, Texas is consistantly hotter than the surface of the sun, and Daddy goes on his 6 week vacation away from us (we lucked out this year, normally it's 7). He claims it's "work" but the jury's still out on this end. We do like the paycheck though.

We are already most of the way through week one. Mommy has been a bit slack on her update duties this year. But I'm going to try harder. Below is the Father's Day video we did for Daddy (he left on Father's Day - irony of all ironies). Dalton's answers may have been a bit repetitive, but it would be fun to do one of these each year and see the progression.

Probably the hardest part of Daddy being gone is that Mommy has to get everybody up, dressed, fed, etc., and out the door by herself. In the past I have gotten my Mom to come help, but this year I decided to put on my big boy pants, bite the bullet and do it myself. Side note: Dalton is also now wearing big boy pants - I sold the changing table yesterday.  Yay Buddy!!

What trying to get them ready by myself means is that we are always running late, despite my valiant efforts to get everything prepped, laid out and in the car the night before. Even to the point of putting breakfast in a cooler in the bathroom so when they eat it in our bedroom in the morning it's ready to go.  What can not be anticipated though is that there's a good chance the kids will need to gather every single one of their stuffed animals and load them into the rocket ship which resides under the shower curtain between the toilet and the tub.  When NASA schedules a launch there's not much we civilians can do to change it.

It's not just the morning that gets off track though. Mommy's a sucker for letting them stay up a little late if they can pull out some sort of cuteness overload. Whether that's taking family selfies in bed, wearing awesome hats or posing in superhero capes. They have my number.

Somehow though we will muddle through until Daddy gets back.  We have already started the countdown.

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