Friday, June 26, 2015

Well That Escalated Fast...

It started innocently enough - "Hey Mom, can we ride our scooters outside?" No problem. 

Then they wanted to ride bicycles. Everyone was happy. Then Dalton decided he was big enough to have his own tricycle (Darby has one, he doesn't). A need for sharing ensued. That is always stressful. But we persevered.

Then Darby wanted to walk Stella.  Gave her the leash, she had to stay on the sidewalk in the cul de sac. Dalton played with the sticks. We're still good.

And then the trash truck came...

At first Dalton was excited. We waved at the driver. The driver honked the horn - which was "Too loud!" - but we were still ok. 

And then...Mommy made the mistake of saying "Hey Darby, go grab the Big Wheel off the sidewalk so the trash men don't think we are throwing it out." And Mt. Vesuvius erupted. Dalton lost his ever-loving mind. Not only did we have to bring the big wheel and the tricycle and the scooters up to the porch, we had to take them inside. "Right Now!" And the water bottles, and Mommy's camera, and Mommy's phone, and Stella, and all of us. Outside time over.

Now, we are braving the treacherous world of "Slumber Party" (just D&D). I'm certain I am jinxing it, but so far so good...

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