I don't know what the deal is. It's not like Daddy is here 70% of the time anyway, but as soon as he leaves for camp it's like we descend into Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome. Everybody loses their mind and they're willing to decapitate a sibling for the remote control. The kids are continuing to push every boundary they can find, plus a few I couldn't even come up with if I tried. This is not helped by the fact that I threw my back out Wednesday and have been hobbling around like an old woman all week. There is nothing cuter though than Dalton, very tenderly, trying to help me stand up.
Saturday we didn't have anything planned. Most people would look on this with relief, but for us that means a constant bombardment w/ "where are we going today? I want to go somewhere! Isn't someone having a birthday party today??" So that afternoon I managed to get us out the door and to the splash park.
On the way there Dalton informed us that if you fill your mouth with too much cheese, you'll burp. Just a little nugget of wisdom for you to take with you. I'm not sure if there's any science to back that up.

They had a blast at the splash park - despite the whining and complaining and endless questions I got when I suggested it. There were a bunch of kids there with water guns - the hard core semi-automatic looking ones. It is always unnerving to me seeing how comfortable they are with those (other kids, not mine - yet at least). Darby was complaining that some of the kids were shooting at her, so I told her to tell them to please not do that. It was a proud moment when she walked up to a young teenage boy - easily twice her size - and demanded that he not hit her with water because she "didn't like it". Nobody pushes the King around.

Later on they got Popsicles. We really need to have them more often, because my children are embarrassingly Popsicle impaired. By the time Dalton was done with his he looked like a Smurf he was covered in so much blue. Darby learned the hard way not to just eat from one side of the stick...
Sunday morning they spent a few hours tormenting each other, and me, and Stella. The screams of "get out of my room!!" that I was expecting during the teenage years have already started.
Stella insisted on taking a shower with me. I obliged and Darby was over the moon to get to dry her off and put her collar back on. She wanted to do it again Sunday night.

Sunday afternoon we had Dalton's soccer game. He and his team played really well. The other team was a total trainwreck. They picked up the ball with their hands every other play and the ref never called it. Then one time we looked on the field and they had only one player. He was standing in their goal (there is no goaltending in 3 year old soccer). There was one other kid crying on the sidelines, and the rest of the team had vanished. So their one remaining player stayed in the goal and used his hands. They eventually trickled back in, but it was a pretty ridiculous game.

Sunday afternoon we had Dalton's soccer game. He and his team played really well. The other team was a total trainwreck. They picked up the ball with their hands every other play and the ref never called it. Then one time we looked on the field and they had only one player. He was standing in their goal (there is no goaltending in 3 year old soccer). There was one other kid crying on the sidelines, and the rest of the team had vanished. So their one remaining player stayed in the goal and used his hands. They eventually trickled back in, but it was a pretty ridiculous game.

After soccer we went to the Wilson's for a pool party. Dalton was in his element.
He jumped in and swam underwater back to the step about a hundred times.
He jumped in and swam underwater back to the step about a hundred times.
Darby held court in the hot tub,
and to my surprise even wanted to slide down the slide into the pool. She actually did it 3 times.
And of course, she made a new 4 legged best friend.

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