As Tim's big farewell we had the Bridges over to the pool Saturday. Dalton is doing amazing with his swimming. His thing now is jumping off the diving board. Pretty impressive for a little guy.
Stella even showed off her volleyball skills. I didn't even get a great video but it's still pretty awesome.
Stella even showed off her volleyball skills. I didn't even get a great video but it's still pretty awesome.
We dropped Daddy off at the airport on Father's Day of all days. Happy Father's Day to him! Darby looked suitably sad about him leaving, but no tears. Dalton barely looked up from his Kindle to give him a hug and say "bye." I asked him "Dalton, you know Daddy's going on a really long trip and he won't be back for a very long time, right?" His response - "I know." I guess they're used to it now.
After the airport we had a leisurely shopping trip at Target. We looked at Ninja Turtle mac and cheese, Ninja Turtle bowls and party supplies for Dalton's b-day in September (yes - Ninja Turtles - even though he has never seen the movies or TV show). I managed to convince him we didn't need to buy them quite yet.
Darby insisted on taking pictures with all the mannequins. Daddy even got a special Father's Day video message. So touching - not at all...
Sunday afternoon we went to Nana & Pa's for swimming and dinner. Nana's friend had gotten them some sunglasses.

After dinner, when the kids were in their PJ's we took a sweet Father's Day pic w/ Pa. Everyone was smiling, the light was good - fantastic picture. I posted it to FB the next day w/ a Father's Day message. All was good until 4 or 5 hours later when Jamie clued me in to the fact that Dalton's ball was hanging out of his pj's!!

After dinner, when the kids were in their PJ's we took a sweet Father's Day pic w/ Pa. Everyone was smiling, the light was good - fantastic picture. I posted it to FB the next day w/ a Father's Day message. All was good until 4 or 5 hours later when Jamie clued me in to the fact that Dalton's ball was hanging out of his pj's!!

Last night we were watching Doc McStuffins and it was the episode about a queen that was bossing all the other toys around. The other toys got mad and told her off. She was sad so Doc consoled her and told her she wasn't bossy, she was just a good leader. Now I appreciate the message that just because a woman is strong and asserts herself she isn't necessarily bossy. I feel that double standard every day. But the long and the short of it is - a lot of the time Darby actually is bossy. So Doc does not need to be giving her carte blanche. When the episode ended she put on her crown and danced on the bed with her makeshift wand.
Tonight we capped the night with a little bit of the Cupcake Game. Darby wearing her crown, Dalton using his inhaler. Dalton talked baby talk, used potty words, talked about stinky diapers, procrastinated going to bed and lost the use of his Kindle for 2 days. Nothing new here.

Tonight we capped the night with a little bit of the Cupcake Game. Darby wearing her crown, Dalton using his inhaler. Dalton talked baby talk, used potty words, talked about stinky diapers, procrastinated going to bed and lost the use of his Kindle for 2 days. Nothing new here.

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