Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bear Hunt

We very often have to go on a bear hunt at the house (Jamie and Jeremiah Bridges - I blame you!).

Tonight I decided we had had quite enough Peppa Pig and Despicable Me so I turned off the TV's.  After Darby stopped pouting, she joined in on Dalton doing his forward rolls (look for us at the Toronto Olympics 2028 - Dalton, not Darby).  That got old quickly, so she organized a bear hunt.

It started innocently enough with a request for a flashlight.  That escalated to her needing a bag for their "pets" - "no, a bigger bag!" Mommy complied and the pets were put in a bag (these are stuffed pets, we are not abusing Stella at this point).

Then she decided they needed hats.  I pointed them to their respective hat racks.  Darby briefly wore a fedora, but then decided she needed a bag for the hats as well:

D1: Mommy, I need a bag for our hats... No, a big bag.
M: You only have one hat, why does it have to be a big bag?
D1: Because that's how we roll Mommy.
M: I can't argue with that.

To be fair, we did end up with many hats in the bag.

D1: Dalton, we need to take all the pets...No Dalton! Not the elephant!
M: Do you need a suitcase?
D1: Yes!! Good guess Mommy!

After the suitcase was investigated and then abandoned, her majesty ended up with a handful of totebags and Dalton's rolling backpack - Woof.  After Dalton made the mistake of trying to pack "pets" in Woof, he was corrected:
D1: No! They don't go in there, the books go in there!
D1: We don't need that book - that's a bedtime story - we need morning stories!
D2: This one?
D1: No, that's too big...We need more...No, that's enough...We need toys... Mom! We need more bags! Lots of bags.
M: Get Oink
D1: Oinks not a bag, Oink's a suitcase.

D1 (with a tote bag): Mom, it's entangled - can you do it? (she said entangled!)

M: Can't we put the books in just 2 bags?  Three bags of books seems excessive for a bear hunt (did I just say that??)

M: Time for bed!
D2: Why?
M: Because it's bedtime
D2: Why?
M: Because we spent a lot of time packing for the bear hunt.  We might have to wait til tomorrow to actually go on it.
D1: No! Then we might miss the bear!


After an initial explanation that I couldn't repeat if I tried:


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