Tuesday, September 23, 2014


So last Friday was Little D's second birthday. He started the festivities off strong by starting to sing Happy Birthday to himself - over and over - in the days leading up to the big day. Often in the car - for Mommy's listening enjoyment. Come Friday morning though, he transferred that responsibility to the rest of the family. He demanded the first few renditions while lounging in his bed when we woke him up. That continued through the rest of the getting ready process and peaked on the drive to school. 

After school he got to choose what he wanted to eat for dinner.  As I recall he went with yogurt, p-pouches (fruit/veg baby food pouch), goldfish, and a cupcake - might be worth remembering this if you're ever in the position to need to provide a menu for your Death Row "last meal".  He seemed to enjoy it.

Saturday was birthday party day. Mommy stayed home to get things ready while Shel and Nana took the kids to Darby's first t-ball game. I wouldn't put any money down yet on her making the Olympic t-ball team, but apparently everyone survived. 

The party itself was a big success. The theme was Dalton's Big Truck Rally. Not exactly a theme with its own section at Party City, but I think we did pretty well. We had big pictures of trucks, road signs, stop lights and a "road" that wound through the house that the kids could drive trucks on. We also had a sandbox they could drive trucks in and a "Truck Stop" full of food. Mommy also experimented with fondant icing and created a truck cake. Quite proud of that one.

In keeping with his previous birthday singing demands, we had to re-light the candles on the cake and re-sing him our group Happy Birthday.  Hey - if that's as demanding as he was going to get on his big day, we'll throw him a bone.

Our attempts to get a cute pic of the whole gang were pretty unsuccessful. The term "herding cats" was tossed around a few times. 

The kids seemed to enjoy the party, and Dalton enthusiastically confirmed that he did, so that's what's important. 


  1. It was kind of hard to get a theme for the party from the cake (very tasty BTW) to the road through the floor and the large pictures through out the house. If anybody went away unfulfilled, it was their own danged fault!
