Monday, June 23, 2014

All You Can Eat Tacos! - w/ Nana & Pa


So apparently it was All You Can Eat Taco Night at OTB.

I met Nana, Pa, D&D there and we loaded up on chips, guac, queso, tacos, etc. Neither of them ate much, although somehow we all ended up covered in food.  Dalton ate mostly chips and rice.  That boy loves him some carbs. The kids were actually really good.

Darby has been party planning again - she was telling me how Jordan and Kennedy are coming over.  She didn't specify when.  Best to just be constantly prepared I guess.

The kids have really ramped up the Jeep hunt.  Nana was saying how they were fighting over their Jeep spotting on the way to the restaurant.  Dalton lost his mind when he saw one this morning.

After dinner we went home, and Darby watched an episode of Dora, while Dalton dumped puzzles on the floor.  I was able to stop him before he hit the ones with lots of pieces. After Dora we all sat down to put them back together and I was really impressed when Dalton put together the turtle and elephant ones - 4 pieces each - no picture underneath.

Bedtime went smoothly for him.  The extended version of Wheels on the Bus and he went straight down. She, however, threw everything she had at it. It wasn't pretty, but Mommy eventually triumphed.

All in all - Night #2 - uneventful.

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